No start-up without a business plan

Who wants to convince investors of a business idea that requires a strong case – refurbished professionally. This also applies to the healthcare industry. Photo: Lorelynmedina FotoliaDie-care landscape is changing. Meanwhile, more than 2 000 contracts for integrated care (IV) registered under § § 140 ff SGB V at the national office for quality assurance. As early as March 2005, more than 6 100 applications for approval of a Disease Management Program (DMP) were received, of which already approved more than 3 200. The growth rates for medical care centers (MCC) are substantial, the figure rose from first to second quarter 2006 from 420 to 491st Even so-called specialist medical or health centers are increasingly established. With the entry into force of the SHI Modernization Act provided further focus is placed on GP-centered care services that will be implemented in different ways. And the outpatient surgery is evolving. The goal of the legislature to introduce new health care structures seem manifold ideas for practical implementations have taught.
However, new supply structures yet often driven by legal requirements and regulatory procedures, such as the 1-percent-up financing for integrated care or the binding of the risk adjustment to the DMP. are evaluations of new structures in terms of savings and quality improvements, it still as good as any. This will change.
The health services research is increasingly important, and the healthcare landscape will be consolidated in this regard in the coming years. “Best practice” examples in the field MVZ, Facharzt-/Gesundheitszentren, IV, GP models and DMP will find imitators. The implementation of concrete projects is currently only the tip of the iceberg. In the same respect bedeutungsarm for the development of public health are changes within the internal structures of institutions such as health insurance, doctors ‘associations and doctors’ networks. All players are eagerly applying their structures to realign to develop sustainable strategies in the health market and to reposition themselves. Once this process is further advanced to the “playground” of the new supply structures convert into a real competitive market structures.
New ideas will supply it more difficult then to be included in the portfolio of pension benefits if they fail to demonstrate the added value and to quantify. Additionally, health insurers are increasingly self-identify gaps and inefficiencies in the provision of care, develop health care concepts and advertised to the healthcare market. Health care is organized in future guidelines compliant and professional. Management principles, will gain in importance. Such integrated care: In place of today’s indication-oriented IV-contracts (based on a remuneration of individual benefits, are rarely evaluated and used primarily for recovery of the 1-percent discount) complex IV are contracts emerge, using the remuneration dependent on success is the basis of quantifiable quality criteria. It’s about quality improvements and cost reserves to show detectable. Collective agreement and individual contracts based IV contracts will continue side by side.
For the construction of new forms of care, a structured plan is necessary to describe a supply idea, the unique feature works out, a sound market analysis includes the new network organization with planned decision-making and authority points out, risks works out, scenarios examined and the financial implications in detail represents. Such a plan will form the basis of modern new health care structures, first as a founding a business plan and later as a rolling business plan, scheduled in the achievement of milestones, built a continuous quality control and incentive-compatible compensation components are defined. The founding management, which is run by an informal group of innovators and using other support culminates, thus formulating a business idea and creating a business plan (business plan).
The business plan is a business instrument that plays in setting up companies for example in industrial or service sector a role and there is required by investors, including venture capital firms.
The conditions for start-ups in the healthcare industry are different from those of the start-ups of the other sectors. Therefore, the characteristics of health care customized business idea and a business plan will be prepared. Therefore, the following points are important:

1. We will get more health care networks, which are differentiated according to whether one or a few network members to be dominated (focal, central network) or if the network members operate formally and practically equal (polycentric, decentralized network). Health networks in Germany are characterized generally by more polycentric shaped structures, medical centers often have local character.
One can consider two types of polycentric structures: First, it is about the equality of service. In practice, networks will not dominate any other physician group (in the U.S. is often given a strong dominance of specialists), in vertical networks have contracted doctors concern will be “proficient” from a hospital. On the other hand, German health care networks are also with the inclusion of the cost unit as a player in health systems far more marked than the polycentric cost carriers often dominated managed-care structures in the United States. In this respect, health insurance dominated network structures in the German health care system had hardly any. Polycentric systems have important consequences for economic analysis of health care networks, as must be assumed that a higher-level control center because of the possible counter-effect potential of the subsystems can redeem his claim to leadership is limited. A management oriented polycentric health networks must therefore “soft”, but open effective coordination instruments (personalities, visions, goals, confidence). The creation of a minimum level of social awareness organized and liability is the central task of health networks and survival, so do not break down networks.

2. Also in Germany of flat-rate compensation forms for Leistungserbinger in new forms of care become more important (case or capitation payments in a few individual performance, which usually reflect technical services). Important are also ways of evaluating performance through appropriate indicators (systems) and their coupling in a result-oriented remuneration. The effectiveness of a “market-based” coordination depends mainly on whether the new health care structures within a contract with the sponsor without the disposition of a separate budget exists or whether the network is the economic responsibility for a virtual or real budget does.

3. Requirement for a structural coordination is that a consensus is found, how and in which bodies made decisions as a basis for unauthorized transfers. The actions of a network board in polycentric networks will be even for small networks, a collective act of a governing body. Such a network board should in health care networks quite naturally, give the organizational skills to certain hierarchical instructions. This understanding of a network board ensures an effective and efficient action on the network and therefore should be accepted by the network members.

4. For health networks is the implementation of management systems, a completely new challenge, in particular systems such as the controlling, quality and process management, but also the change or knowledge management in the future an important role to grow. This raises the question of integration of management systems in the particular structures of health care networks. “Balanced Scorecard” – systems for that is an interesting perspective, by a “coordination of ideas and visions” can be filled with life.

5. Shared values and goals expressed by members of the Initiative, or a health network to weld together and contribute as a network culture to a high degree of achievement of the network. Culture is the social backbone of the health network dar. In health care networks has proved in this context, the “coordination of trust” as important. Trust can replace hierarchical orders and degrees of bureaucratization and support the effectiveness of other instruments of coordination.
The structure of the plan
The structure of a business plan can be based on classifications such as those of health care organizations, presented as the Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, but also by consulting firms. Thereafter, the business plan with a brief summary of the supply business idea, the results of market analysis and the results of financial analysis is premised. Important at the outset, the introduction of the team to give into the hands of the financier, should be capital. Finally, it is in the marketing question of explicating the business idea to work out the unique selling proposition and the size of the market and the potential to estimate potential competitors.
Contents of the business plan is also the representation of the organization, the business system and the reasons for the choice of legal form. Good plans are characterized by the fact that they formulate milestones and outline an implementation timetable. Also convincing business plans are characterized in that they assess risks, identify and explain possible scenarios countermeasures strategies. At the end of a business plan should be worked out the implications from a financial perspective. This part comprises mainly the calculation of potential savings and details of the proposed capital structure, cost structure, liquidity planning, potential profits and return on investment. A business plan makes a significant contribution as a business card of the organization will help to inspire investors and other interested parties for the project. In addition to the conceptual work should still have enough time remaining for implementation.